Additional open information about the Project

Here you can enter additional information that you think could be useful for your project’s promotion. Generally, you can add information that will be open for others and support you in further promotion of project. This information will be published at the website for general public.

Concept, idea

This information will be open only for jury members. What product or service do you want to bring to the market?  Which customer problems will your product or service solve? Who are your potential customers?  What technologies is your product or service based on? What distinguishes your business model from other companies operating in this field?

Market, sales and marketing

This information will be open only for jury members. Estimate the market share for your product. How many potential users do you have? Who are they? Why will they use your product or service? How are you going to position your product? How are you going to earn money? Estimate your profits.

Your competitive advantage

This information will be open only for jury members. Who are your competitors? How long do they work on the market? What are the profit and development prospects? Which alternative products or services exist on the market? Why do you think that your idea is better than the idea of your competitors? Why cannot other people copy your business idea?

Finance plan

This information will be open only for jury members. Please describe which terms you have used for preparing the finance plan. When will your profit prevail on expenses? What are required investments? When do you plan to attract them? How are you going to spend investments? How do you think what category of investements can be interested in your project?


This information will be open only for jury members. Briefly describe the roles of team members. How is every team member going to support successful project implementation with their experience and education?

Estimated flow of funds

This information will be open only for jury members. Please try to show quarterly profit and expenses in MS Excel.